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Showing posts with label PhreakIng. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PhreakIng. Show all posts

Trik Internetan Gratis XL (1 Desember 2012)

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 | 11:10 PM

Waah waah iseng iseng nih admin ComputerZone ngutak atik handphonenya gimana sih caranya biar kalian sobat blogger ComputerZone tetep bisa internetan yang 100% Gratis. Okay dah ini dia caranya bro. Mulai sekarang kaga perlu tuh internetan pake hape ngabis abisin pulsa. Cukup Setting aja di Handphone kalian semua. Let's Check It out :D

[HOT SHARE] Kirim SMS Gratis

Written By Unknown on Monday, May 30, 2011 | 7:02 AM

Bagi teman teman yang pulsa abis dan perlu kirim sms bisa gunakan Layanan Kirim SMS Gratis special untuk kaskuser...

Layanan ini murni ane persembahkan buat para kaskuser, trutama yg lagi kepepet. Jadi jangan di eksploitasi. Berikut beberapa hal tentang layanan ini :

SMS Gratis Via Internet

Written By Unknown on Saturday, April 9, 2011 | 8:03 AM

Proxy Dan Fungsinya

Kata Proxy berasal dari bahasa Latin proximus, yang berarti dekat. Proxy server adalah sebuah server yang membantu kita untuk mempertahankan privasi kita dalam mengakses Internet. Saat kita mengakses Internet menggunakan proxy, web page yang kita kunjungi tidak akan dapat melihat kita. Web page tersebut hanya akan melihat proxy yang kita gunakan saja. Proxy server beroperasi sebagai berikut.

Stop Spamming !!!

Kesal, mungkin itu yang terlintas dipikiran anda ketika anda sudah cukup lama mendownload email dari ISP dan yang didapat hanyalah email-email aneh yang sebenarnya tidak diinginkan. Jumlahnya pun tidak hanya satu atau dua saja tapi bisa belasan bahkan puluhan dalam satu hari. Benar-benar menghabiskan waktu, uang dan bandwidth.

Email-email inilah yang disebut

Tipuan E-Mail Phising

Di zaman sekarang orang sudah familiar dengan yang namanya e-mail, dari anak-anak sampai orang dewasa pun sudah tahu apa itu namanya e-mail. Karena fasilitas yang satu ini banyak sekali kegunaanya, kita bisa kirim data, kirim foto, ataupun kirim aplikasi dengan hanya hitungan detik, menit ato jam. Dan ini lebih cepat dari pada kita memakai

Hacking Rapidshare Pro

Written By Unknown on Thursday, April 7, 2011 | 8:16 AM

Halo teman,
Semua orang ingin account Rapidshare Premium pribadi tetapi tidak semua bisa membelinya. Jika Anda adalah salah satu dari orang-orang yang tidak mampu atau tidak mau meminta orang tua Anda untuk membeli Anda satu maka hanya ada 2 cara mendapatkan account premium Rapidshare. Pertama adalah untuk hack account premium Rapidshare

Mozilla: Cara Double Login Account

Written By Unknown on Saturday, March 26, 2011 | 7:16 AM

Hmm.,, terkadang jika kita akan membuka account di sebuah browser secara bersamaan memanglah tidak bisa,,,, misalnya kita Online bersama teman dan ingin membuka

Tips Tips Mnjaga Password

Written By Unknown on Friday, March 25, 2011 | 7:16 AM

Password merupakan kode-kode rahasia yang harus dijaga keamanannya. Banyak hal negatif yang dapat terjadi ketika password Anda bocor ke tangan orang lain. Simak 7 kiat singkat untuk menjaganya.

1. Tidak Menggunakan Default Password
Default password adalah password yang kita dapat pertama kali. Password standar ini sebaiknya memang harus cepat diganti lantaran sangat rentan. Pasalnya, default password dapat dicari dengan mudah di google search, bahkan di situ tercantum nama mesin, type dan default password terpampang dengan megah di beberapa situs vendor pembuatnya.

Terkadang administrator takut lupa dengan mengubah-ubah default password yang ada, sehingga seorang penyusup dapat mengambil alih sistem dengan default password.

2.Tidak Memakai Password Hint

12 Free Keylogger & PC Monitor Win7

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 | 9:40 PM

Spoofing, spying and keylogging are the words that are always been associated with the hackers and cyber criminals. Based on them, security vendors have specifically tailored their security software. On the contrary to the popular concept, keyloggers are used as a tool to find out what other users do on your computer in your absence, be it at home or office. It is designed for the hidden computer monitoring and to record the activities done at the computer. It logs the sites that are visited, records the key strokes that are typed and when scheduled it takes the screen shot of Windows. Rather it gives you a complete handy solution as parental controls to track your childs behaviour in your absence and check your office employees time wasting attitude. Here’s a list of 12 best free keyloggers for Windows 7. Have a look.

Revealer Keylogger Free Edition
Free and reliable keylogger monitoring tool that logs everything that is typed on your computer, it records every keystroke including passwords and conversations (one side only) in common instant messengers. It’s a simple and very light software with a user friendly interface. It runs in the background saving system resources, no button or icon is present in the Windows Task Bar to ensure invisibility. Revealer Keylogger is surely the easiest and faster way to record keyboard inputs. There is almost nothing to configure, in fact everything is configured internally with the best settings.

Ultimate Keylogger Free
Ultimate Keylogger Free Edition is a free popular all-round monitoring solution. It runs in the background and monitors all typed keystrikes, applications, passwords, clipboard, email, and visited websites’ URLs. You can view the reports as HTML files. Ultimate Keylogger will help you to find out, what exactly took place in the system. You will be able to find out what your children search in the internet, and to check them. You can perform the full control of the computers of your company or enterprise. You will always know about all actions performed by the employees or other people on the computers of your company.

BlackBox Security Monitor
BlackBox Security Monitor is a handy and powerful tool for security monitoring. It is designed to collect information from multiple computers and report it to one central location – on the computer where BlackBoxSecurity Monitor is installed.
Get alerts on programs launched, Web sites visited, keywords detected in Web searches, E-Mails, Web Mails, Instant Messenger conversions, total network traffic etc..

Refog Free Keylogger
Refog Free Keylogger is an opportunity for you to be a good parent and keep an eye on your children. And isn’t it wonderful that your parental duty will cost you nothing this time. Refog Free Keylogger can look after your children without them even noticing. Even technically minded children won’t detect the key logger when it runs in a stealth mode. Refog Free Keylogger removes all the shortcuts and can be accessed only through a hot key combination. Running unobtrusively from the moment the system boots, Refog Free Keylogger keeps track of all typed or pasted text. You can set it to monitor only selected applications or everything that is done in the system.

Super WinSpy
WinSpy is a program designed that helps you find out what’s been done on your computer. With Super WinSpy, You can find out exactly what others have done on your computer , including what web sites they have been, what text, images, movies they have seen. and also what files they opened/saved, what kind of search they have done and what they ran at the start menu. Double click the displayed item will directly open or link to the file or the URL stored on your computer.

Personal Keylogger
The Personal Keylogger application was designed to be a small tool that will allow you to secretly record all keystrokes and other input. All specific instructions are explained in the application. To use this program, you have to agree with the disclaimer shown inside. To exit it and recieve your logs, you will need to enter in your keycode. If you have forgotten your keycode, you will need to restart the computer.

NextGen AntiKeylogger Free
NextGen AntiKeylogger is the next generation anti-keylogger program that protects your data from all types of keylogging programs both known, unknown or being developed right now. NextGen AntiKeylogger uses unique method of protection. It intercepts keystrokes at the lowest possible level, encrypts them and sends via its own protected path directly into the protected application. Thus, by using its own encrypted keystrokes path, NextGen AntiKeylogger defeats all types ofsoftware keyloggers. Moreover, unlike anti-keyloggers which are based on proactive protection, NextGen AntiKeylogger has no false-positives. It works out-of-the-box, requiring no additional configuration! Even inexperienced user can use it. In fact it takes only a few clicks to install NextGen AntiKeylogger. Nevertheless, experienced users will find options they may wish to tune up! NextGen AntiKeylogger Free will provide basic protection free of charge, protecting Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari.

Romaco Keylogger
Romaco Keylogger is a small and easy to use tool that can log all key-presses that are made while it is running, and display them to you in its window. It automatically exports the logged text to a text file every 5 minutes, or manually. It can be hidden at the click of a button, and recalled by vigorously pressing one of the least used keys on the keyboard, the break key.

PyKeylogger is an easy-to-use and simple keylogger written in python. It is primarily designed for backup purposes, but can be used as a stealth keylogger, too. It does not raise any trust issues, since it is a short python script that you can easily examine. It is primarily designed for personal backup purposes, rather than stealth keylogging. Thus, it does not make explicit attempts to hide its presence from the operating system or the user. That said, the only way it is visible is that the process name shows up in the task list, so it is not immediately apparent that there is a keylogger on the system.

Koom Keylogger
Koom Keylogger is a simple application which helps users to monitor their PC’s activity. Koom’s insides work by hooking the keyboard, whilst copying any textual data that is entered. The user beforehand specifies a password, that when typed, will trigger Koom to stop and display all the recorded data. This ridiculously simple interface allows swift configuration and deployment, essential to covert keylogging. Koom attempts to strip the concept of a keylogger down to the bare rudiments, ridding flashy animations and hefty price tags, the program doesn’t try to install or make an icon on your desktop, because you can just open it straight of the web or save it locally. Our developers made a special effort to conceal the keylogging process from prying Ctrl+Alt+Delete’s, but if for some reason you forget your password; the program can be terminated from the ‘processes’ tab on the task manager, under ‘Koom.exe’.

Heretic Macro
Heretic is a powerful tool that is able to record user events, such as mouse clicks and keys, into a C/Java-like script, and play that script either once or repeatedly. It has many commands for dynamic pixel-based botting, window based botting, and static botting/macro-ing (i.e. key presses, mouse clicks, mouse moves, and pauses).

Keylogger Douglas
Keylogger Douglas is a totally freeware application which will allow you to spy and monitor any PC from anywhere. Also it takes very few system resources so it causes no suspicious slowdowns.


Teknik Hacking Modem ADSL dan Account Speedy

Langkah Pertama
Buka aplikasi mIRC? pilih server Dalnet? dan koneksikan. Kemudian join di beberapa channel itu terserah anda, dalam hal ini gw mencari target di channel #balikpapan dan #samarinda. Sesudah anda join klik Dalnet Status, kemudian ketikkan perintah ?/who #nama channel? tanpa tanda petik. Maka akan timbul beberapa teks. Biasanya IP dari Telkom Speedy angka awalnya adalah 125.xxx.xxx.xxx, IP inilah yang akan menjadi target scanning. Lihat gambar dibawah ini.


Langkah Kedua
Buka aplikasi Advanced Port Scanner v1.0 Beta 1, kemudian cari sebuah IP contoh ini merupakan sebuah IP TelkomSpeedy. Tetapi bukan IP itu yang akan kita scanning melainkan mengambil range IP dari, jadi angka yang diambil hanya 125.160.33. bukan dan range yang dipake dari 1-255. Lihat hasil dari scanning tersebut.

Trik Internet Gratis Di Hp

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 | 9:40 PM

Trik ini akan bekerja jika anda memakai opera modif, opera handler, dan aplikasi – aplikasi yg sudah di edit / modif handler.
Berikut beberapa trik GRATIS dan QUERY gratisan:

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http server: http://server4.operamini.com:80?wap.three.co.id
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Indosat ckp pake koneksi indosatmms Lakukan berulang2, trik ini perlu kesabaran..
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http server: http://wap3g.indosat.com@server4.operamini.com:80/
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freesmsc - free sms - free sms center

Written By Unknown on Sunday, January 16, 2011 | 12:12 AM

This is free amsc update 2011

This is the latest free sms center.
please try, we wait for his report.
for questions please expressed in comments field

 This is the number that update januari 2011


Working instant on O2 UK, and Vectone NL
i think this working on indonesial provider such as: indosat, im2, telkomsel, 3, axis, ect.

free smsc telkomsel still work

This is the latest free sms center, especialy for telkomsel - indonesia
please try on another cell phone provider, we wait for his report.
for questions please expressed in comments field

this is free SMSC number update january 2011

How to change the SMSC on any Iphone

Want to change SMSC on Your Iphone ?

to use the SMSC iPhone
lately many are asking how do I change sms center on the iphone.
Well this is the way how to change ssms center on iphone

Step 1 - Checking what number is set as your SMS service centre number
Launch your iPhone keypad and type *#5005*7672# Press Call
You will get a response that tells you the number that has been set as your SMS service
Centre number. In all probability, that number is missing or is wrong.

How Free SMS Through Service Operator Pro XL

Written By Unknown on Saturday, December 4, 2010 | 8:21 PM

Jasakom Community - Article#------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------#So with a bubbling sense of longing in the soul, and with a little "trial and error". I try to exploit what I have now, which is a battered mobile phone and sim card of a pulse carrier pro xl aka da emergency stay really can make a phone to the operator doang.heheheIn short way, are not accidentally (ato possible miracles times yes) I nemuin a bug in the sim card to get pro xl sms were free at certain times. Ko certain times sii? Melepasmu wants his name is also free at any time! kekeke :-)This way i pas pas last try yesterday at midnight, where the wind blows again kenceng-kencengnya.
# FirstThe first step I call the operator pro xl, and with a little technique soceng gw "pretend" confusion due to a sudden change gw sms service center number so that i can not send and receive SMS from anywhere. and I purposely asked for help so that the operator service center number i in perbaikin from the center of their system. nah this is where the "cunning" I, I accidentally calling Malem-evening, because I know their system again offline, so they recommend matching messages through the service center number manually, by setting it own. we have to patiently wait, and if we can make the operator tired of stalling for time with a variety of questions that make us "as if a new user" so that eventually they will give up a little and trying to help us overcome the problem by providing access to the providers messages that can be accessed through a menu of data services that already exist in the sim card program. usually located on the menu info.
# SecondOnce we've managed to get the message service center code number, the unique number would have seen the advantages of numbers, where numbers are key to our phreaking activity this time!hehehe. usually the number of excess is an odd value.
# ThirdOnce we get the numbers "unique", we can immediately begin air-ria for free sms. :-) The trick is that you type the sms as usual without any addition of special techniques, well when we're done and will send it, prepare a number of pro xl would you go for example 081808123456, and also no beauty that I mentioned earlier for example no beautiful is the number 7, then you should be typing in the box is notujuan destination phone number - the number "beautiful" - along with an additional longer, that number is toll free sms service, for example 818 and 284.0818081234567284 so this example, own 284 number on the back is a toll free number frequently used by customers free cards to check their lottery number of points.
# FourthAfter you format the input numbers correctly, you can press yes or okay. first may be an error sending, but do not worry, try again by pressing the redial button or right back up sms successfully delivered to the destination.
# The logic of the above problemsBecause we access via the message service center number service feature data, it means there will be an excess number defined by the system operator as a package operator, such a trivial signature does not look like it. because this number comes from operators who are generally leads to this free service, then with these characters we can make no purpose that we will send an sms "as if" a toll-free number or the number operator. for error sending that often occur alone caused "confusion" system for reading the number. Usually this technique successfully used at about 00:00 hours until 0200, so there is a deadline less than 2 hours to enjoy the "service" is.Last but not make use of this activity is only for urgent kepentingn only, and I hope this article can also be used as guidelines by the pro xl. thank you

Note:All of the above is the result of an empirical study of the writer with no intention of demeaning any party

Send Sms Free Sender + Change Number liking Heart

Alow all, I just wanted nyampein this link, I hope useful for who likes the same free and fun ²! This truly free sms and funny can change numbers at will and change name at will, too!
This link: http://theSMSzone.com/?ref=bithedz
NB: the registration of country names should not be replaced remains memakeai Australia, then after that use the number you ......, eg 087830620008 <- this mobile number to me. Once that's done just activate your account to resend activasi with code how:
Change Mobile number with country code using the phone number  628-18434331 example, would send activasi code into your number! have fun!

bithedz at hole in earth Created By El's

Infinite Bonus Credits In Flexi! By El Azizy

.-=Proff Of Concept=-.

Stage needs to be done:
1. Buy Voucher Pulsa flexi, it's up to how much it!
2. Fill in the pulse as usual, normally!
3. Because the gain bonus credits, we have to wait some time delay. This shows that the charging pulse in real time and to earn bonus credits must wait for the process, on the server to adjust the pulse that we buy.
4.Here we utilize the delay, for injecting into the server!!. By the way, Send SMS to Users Flexi or other provider in !!!.( to providerlainya highly recommend)
5.Write SMS after that wait, until you get SmS back from the server that contains the notifications that you get bonus credits in accordance with the value of your contents.
6.Send SMS to the other provider, Before you open the SMS server. (Maybe, This is the same as Sending an e-mail by using the "Send back, if the mail read!")
7.untuk sure, Send SMS to user Flexi or to a local phone with telecom providers.
8.Silahkan Check your pulse!!, And look at the Bonus Credits, and SMS will not be reduced penny Pun.
9.If you do not succeed likelihood, you use the HP can not do exploitation or stage you are doing is wrong.

Free Sms use Indosat


*--For users Indosat SIM Card (Starone, Matrix, IM3, Mentari) can use the facilities provided by sms saving the operator. By using the SMS application ZIP, we can write an SMS with 200 characters (save 25%) and the destination number is not limited to Indosat numbers alone, but also to a number of other cellular operators. 
*--Download ZIP Application SMS in http://wap.indosat.com/sms_zip.php (access via handset with GPRS costs USD 1.1/kb) requires handsets that used to be: support java, GPRS (make sure the correct settings.) To be able to use this application sender and receiver must install this application on their handsets. 
*--Applicable tariffs remain the same as regular text without any additional fee or subscription. This same practice can be a password so only you who can use it. 
*--Good luck
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