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Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Cara Mendaftar Situs/Blog Ke Search Engine Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, July 11, 2012 | 8:52 PM

Cara Mendaftar Situs/Blog Ke Search Engine Google, Yahoo, Bing, AOL. Mendaftarkan situs ke Search Engine Sangatlah penting Untuk Mendongkrak SEO dan Menaikkan Popularitas Situs. Dengan Kata lain agar Situs/blog anda Dikenal Oleh Banyak Orang dan Dengan Mudah Diakses dengan Keyword Tertentu.

Cara Buat Tulisan Mengikuti Cursor

Written By Unknown on Monday, May 30, 2011 | 7:14 AM

1. Sign in dulu ke Dashboard blog kalian,
2. Klik Design
3. Klik Cick add Gadget
4. Klik pilhan HTML/JavaScript
5. Pastekan script di bawah ini ke kolom Konten

Cara Buat Scipt Alert

Written By Unknown on Saturday, April 23, 2011 | 9:07 AM

okay langsung aja, saya lagi males bertee tele nih ,,,
Letakkan script dibawah ini ..
dan letakkan diatasCaranya
1. Masuk Blogger
2. Dasboard

Mozilla: Cara Double Login Account

Written By Unknown on Saturday, March 26, 2011 | 7:16 AM

Hmm.,, terkadang jika kita akan membuka account di sebuah browser secara bersamaan memanglah tidak bisa,,,, misalnya kita Online bersama teman dan ingin membuka

Tips Tips Mnjaga Password

Written By Unknown on Friday, March 25, 2011 | 7:16 AM

Password merupakan kode-kode rahasia yang harus dijaga keamanannya. Banyak hal negatif yang dapat terjadi ketika password Anda bocor ke tangan orang lain. Simak 7 kiat singkat untuk menjaganya.

1. Tidak Menggunakan Default Password
Default password adalah password yang kita dapat pertama kali. Password standar ini sebaiknya memang harus cepat diganti lantaran sangat rentan. Pasalnya, default password dapat dicari dengan mudah di google search, bahkan di situ tercantum nama mesin, type dan default password terpampang dengan megah di beberapa situs vendor pembuatnya.

Terkadang administrator takut lupa dengan mengubah-ubah default password yang ada, sehingga seorang penyusup dapat mengambil alih sistem dengan default password.

2.Tidak Memakai Password Hint

Efek Hujan (Daun Love Salju) Menarik Blog

Written By Unknown on Thursday, March 17, 2011 | 6:28 AM

  • · Login terlebih dahulu ke Blog Anda
  • · Kemudian masuk ke
  • · Pengaturan > Template > Edit HTML
  • · Jangan lupa backup terlebih dahulu template anda, yang belum tahu klik di sini
  • · Setelah itu di halaman HTML, cari kode <head> di bagian atas
  • · nah setelah itu copy kode berikut tepat di bawah tags <head>
Untuk Efek Salju
<script src=’http://devil32.co.cc/titip/snow.js’ type=’text/javascript’>

Internet, Mesin Mata-Mata Terhebat Dunia

London – Pendiri situs pembocor rahasia WikiLeaks Julian Assange memperingatkan, internet merupakan mesin terhebat mata-mata di dunia yang pernah dibuat. Seperti apa?
Saat berbicara dengan mahasiswa University of Cambridge Inggris, mantan hacker (peretas) ini mengklaim, internet, terutama jejaring sosial seperti Facebook, dapat memberi jangkauan yang lebih besar dalam

Tracking E-ail Dengan Mozilla ThunderBird

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, March 16, 2011 | 9:42 PM

Berikut ini adalah contoh pelacakan atas pengirim email yang dikirimkan dari Account email @GMAIL ke email @YAHOO.CO.ID dengan mengunakan email Client Mozilla ThunderBird. Jika mengunakan email Client yang lain ( Outlook, Evolution, TheBat, dll ), silahkan di Explore sendiri karena tidak terlalu jauh berbeda. Tahapan yang kita lakukan untuk melihat ASAL SEBUAH KIRIMAN EMAIL adalah dengan memanfaatkan fitur MESSAGE SOURCE.

Pertama yang harus kita lakukan adalah melakukan setting email Client seperti biasanya hingga SENT dan RECEIVE email berfungsi dengan NORMAL.

Kedua : Buka atau klik email yang akan di analisa lalu klik menu VIEW terus pilih Message Source, seperti gambar dibawah ini.

Cara Buat Logo Dan Banner

Written By Unknown on Monday, February 14, 2011 | 6:54 AM

Panduan Cara Buat Logo dan Banner untuk blogroll tukar link dengan blogger lain. Tutorial ini untuk bog WordPress dan Blogger Blogspot

Bagi yg bisa program photoshop, membuat banner dan badge/chicklet itu mudah. Bagi yg agak males latihan otak-atik photoshop seperti saya tidak usah kuatir. Di internet banyak penyedia program pembuat chicklet dan banner online secara gratis dan instan. Sebagai pembuka, logo atau chicklet adalah banner kecil yg biasa buat link-button seperti yg di sidebar blog saya. Sementara banner ukurannya lebih besar dan biasa ditaruh di header blog/website. Ikuti panduan buat logo/chicklet/banner berikut:

A. Cara Membuat Chicklet

1. Kunjungi http://button.blogflux.com/

2. Di LEFT-BLOCK (bagian kiri atas) ada menu “Text”, ganti tulisan “w3c” sesuai dg yg Anda inginkan. Contoh, tulis Blog;

3. Di RIGHT-BLOCK (bagian kanan atas) ada menu “Text”, ganti tulisan “xhtml” dg yg sesuai dg keinginan Anda, contoh, “Tutorial”

4. Di GENERATE-BUTTON (bagian kanan bawah) klik tulisan Generate Button. Maka akan muncul chicklet seperti ini:

5. Nah, arahkan mouse ke gambar, klik kanan –> save picture as –> kasih nama file (contoh: blog-tutorial –> save di komputer Anda.

6. Setelah di saving di komputer, masukkan / upload gambar chicklet tsb di situs online seperti googlepages.com. Dalam kasus ini, gambar disimpan di http://x7computerzone.googlepages.com/ jadi alamat chicklet gambar tsb. adalah http://x7computerzone.googlepages.com/ blog-tutorial.gif

Note: Apabila belum daftar di googlepages.com, Anda tinggal kunjungi alamat URL googlepages.com and login dengan account gmail Anda.

7. Setelah tersimpan secara online, Anda bisa gunakan sesuai kebutuhan Anda seperti untuk linkbutton tukar link dg teman-teman blogger lain, atau sekedar buat pajangan di sidebar.

Tip: bentuk font dan background warna dapat dirubah sesuai selera. Tinggal klik menu “color” dan “background” di situs di atas.

B. Cara Buat Banner Online

1. Kunjungi situs http://cooltext.com/
2. Klik menu DESIGN A LOGO (bagian atas).
3. Di menu CHOOSE A LOGO DESIGN pilih gambar yg Anda suka, contoh, klik EMBOSSED.
4. Di menu LOGO TEXT saya tulis “Blog Tutorial”
5. Klik menu RENDER LOGO DESIGN (bagian paling bawah).
6. Save ke komputer (caranya, klik kanan gambar tersebut –>save picture as –>kasih nama file )
7. Setelah itu upload ke googlepages.com milik Anda. (lihat poin A.5 dan A.6).

Catatan: Mengupload image / gambar logo atau banner tentu saja tidak harus di googlepages.com, bagi pengguna wordpress.com Anda bisa juga menguploadnya di wordpress.com, di blogger.com bagi pengguna blogspot, atau di mana saja hosting online gratis.

Verification using VCC (Virtual Credit Card)

Written By Unknown on Friday, December 31, 2010 | 1:20 AM

For credit card holders would be very easy to verify your paypal account, almost without a hitch. then what about those who do not have a credit card ...???
Apparently there are other ways to activate your credit cartu,namely by verivfkasi paypal with VCC or Virtual Credit Card ( A- K - A )a credit card .

Okei way of verifying a paypal account is easy enough:

1. Surely you already have me paypal. if not please register

2. locate and contact the seller VCC. VCC Seller many also speak Indonesian, as well as easy to communicate, the payment would be much easier because it can be done through money transfer anatar Local bank account.

Google Adsense

Written By Unknown on Thursday, December 30, 2010 | 11:15 PM

Hi bloggers meet again with my new article. yes maybe some friends already know this one article. but maybe I did not miss to complete the tips on this blog. What's article, namely the requirement to register as a member of Google Adsense. before you sign up to become a member of the Google adsense there are several requirements you must meet and agree to become members can join Google Adsense.
Here are the requirements to join the Google Adsense:

• Has addressed in the Gmail.com email 

How to Be Effective Search Engine

- Do not just enter a keyword when searching on search engines. you might stray into the wrong site. follow these tips to find the information you need.

• Use appropriate search enginesFor now, Yahoo, Bing and Google is the most reliable choice.

• Do not use words that are too generalImagine, how many search results you get when just enter the keyword "cars" in the search engines. clearly different from if you use keywords in the form of a car from a particular type or brand.

How to Make the current text

Written By Unknown on Thursday, December 23, 2010 | 10:10 PM

Place the following code in the code. </Head

&lt;script type=&#039;text/javascript&#039;&gt;
msg = &quot;.:x7 computerzone:. |&quot;;
msg = &quot; .:Good Day For you.:.&quot; + msg;pos = 0;
function scrollMSG() {
document.title = msg.substring(pos, msg.length) + msg.substring(0, pos); pos++;
if (pos &gt; msg.length) pos = 0

Create Readmore Auto Direct From Blogspot.

The menu is most preferred by the bloggers is a facility READ MORE on the article in the posting. Often times the initial bloggers are just looking for a good blogger templates contained facilities read more.

However, now it has been solved, so that newbie bloggers can smile happily. The team of bloggers recently gave the ease in making these automatic readmore. Readmore facilities that can be automatically applied directly to the writing of the posting.

Now Let's started

Editing CSS in the Template Designer

Written By Unknown on Saturday, December 11, 2010 | 7:53 AM

Blogger's Template Designer allows you to customize almost any aspect of your blog's appearance through the use of cascading style sheets (CSS). To add custom CSS snippets to your template, simply open the Template Designer and add your code to the field located in the Advanced | Add CSS tab. Changes you make will reflect instantly in a live preview beneath the editor.

Note: Editing CSS allows you to change the look and feel of your blog. For changes to the actual content of your blog, including the adding of gadgets or changes to the layout, please use the Edit HTML field located in the Layouts tab. Also remember that, like other customizations, your CSS will be removed if you change designs.

While CSS allows for an almost unlimited number of style customizations, here we'll just go over a couple of the most popular CSS tweaks so you can get a sense of how these changes can be made. For a more comprehensive list of various CSS tweaks, please see the 'What can I do with CSS' article in our Help Center.

The first CSS change we'll go over is how to center the header text on your blog. Head over to the CSS field located in the Advanced | Add CSS tab in the Template Designer. Once there, simply drop in the following lines of code:

.Header {
text-align: center;

Once you've added the code, you'll notice that your header text image will instantly change to centered alignment. If you like what you see, just click the orange Apply to Blog button and your header image will be saved. If you ever decide to remove or change the header image at a later point, it's as easy as deleting or swapping out the image code from the field.

The second CSS change we'll cover is how to add your own background image to your blog. For the sake of being comprehensive, we'll assume that your image isn't already hosted on the web, and go over instructions for how upload your image to a filehost so you can link to it. Here are all the steps necessary to take your own image from your computer and use it as a background image for your blog:

1. Compress your image.
You'll need to make sure the filesize of your image is under 250K, so the first step is to go into your photo editor of choice and compress the image down to fit within that limit. Alternatively, some image hosts such as Imgur provide an option to compress your image to a certain filesize before uploading.

2. Upload your image to a filehost. In order for you to add a background image via CSS, you'll need a working link to your image. If it isn't already on the web, you'll need to upload it from your computer to a host which will serve the image. Picasa Web Albums, Imgur, and Photobucket are all reliable options for your image hosting. Simply navigate to the host of your choice, and follow their directions for uploading.

3. Add the image background CSS snippet. Now that you have a compressed, uploaded image you will be able to add the CSS for using it as a background for your blog. Here is the code:

.body-fauxcolumn-outer {
background: url(http://www.example.com/image.png); }
.body-fauxcolumn-outer div {
background: none;

4. Apply to blog! If you like what you see, go ahead and click the Apply to Blog button, and you're done! Of course, you can always come back and remove or swap out the background image code if you like.

Note: Templates with gradients (such as Simple #1) may slightly conflict in appearance with the use of a background image.

How to Remove Blogger Navbar

Written By Unknown on Sunday, December 5, 2010 | 10:34 PM

Whether we can remove the Blogger Navbar? if the question like that then surely the answer is that it can, but before that it helps remove navbar bloggers read the TOS carefully, because the risks that will bear very heavy lid that is going on blogger account or in other words my friend will lose kmu blog.

To remove the blogger navbar, my friend simply add the following code in the CSS style sheet:

/ * Remove navbar
----------------------------- * /

# Navbar-iframe {
height: 0px;
visibility: hidden;
display: none

Or it could also put the following code just below <body> code:

<style type='text/css'>
# Navbar-iframe {display: none;}
</ Style>

Want to select which one? both have the same functionality that eliminates the blogger navbar. Still confused as well in the installation of the code above? please follow the steps below:

# For classic template

1. Sign in blogger
2. Click the Template menu
3. Click the Edit HTML
4. Copy the entire code which is then saved on the computer for my friend as a backup data safe
5. Copy the code below and paste the above code </ style>
6. / * Remove the navbar ----------------------------- * / # navbar-iframe {height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none} Click the Save Changes Template
7. Done.

# For a new template

1. Sign in blogger
2. Click the Layout menu
3. Click the Edit HTML
4. Click the link labeled Download Template In all, please save used for data backup
5. Copy the code below and paste the above code ]]></ b: skin>

1. / * Remove the navbar ----------------------------- * / # navbar-iframe {height: 0px; visibility: hidden; display: none} Click the Save Template button
2. Done.
Happy Fun Without navbar!
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Proudly powered by Blogger