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Showing posts with label Hacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacking. Show all posts

Crack Windows 8 Enterprise Final 7.90

Written By Unknown on Monday, December 17, 2012 | 7:19 AM

Nah kali ini ComputerZone bakalan share tentang crack Windows 8 Enterprise Final 7.90 Sistem Operasi yang kalian tunggu-tunggu telah hadir yaitu Windows 8 Enterprise. Windows 8 Enterprise merupakan versi lengkap sistem operasi dari Microsoft dan versi terbarunya. Windows 8 Enterprise memiliki semua fitur dari windows 8. Windows 8 Enterprise memiliki keunggulan tampilan yang mantap dan

Crack Windows 8 Retail

Written By Unknown on Friday, December 14, 2012 | 7:08 AM

Versi windows terbaru telah diluncurkan tanggal 26 oktober 2012. Windows yang telah diluncurkan untuk publik tersebut adalah Windows 8 pro. Namun sobat bingung mencari dan mencoba download windows 8 pro? jangan kuatir sob disini sobat bisa dapatkan versi windows 8 terbarunya. Versi windows 8 terbaru yang masih

Cara Ganti PIN BB

Written By Unknown on Saturday, December 1, 2012 | 5:50 PM

Selesai juga UAS yang gue hadain hay sobat ComputerZone, Pada hari libur ini ComputerZone bakjalan Sharing ah tentang Gadged yang datangnya dari Perusaan RIM, Blackberry ini. Mungkin anda sekalian tidak tw ketika anda ingin mengganti PIN BB, maka anda harus mempelajari cara mengkloning PIN BlackBerry. Cara mengkloning PIN BB Blackberry menggunakan

Trik Internetan Gratis XL (1 Desember 2012)

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 | 11:10 PM

Waah waah iseng iseng nih admin ComputerZone ngutak atik handphonenya gimana sih caranya biar kalian sobat blogger ComputerZone tetep bisa internetan yang 100% Gratis. Okay dah ini dia caranya bro. Mulai sekarang kaga perlu tuh internetan pake hape ngabis abisin pulsa. Cukup Setting aja di Handphone kalian semua. Let's Check It out :D

Hacking Earning Adf.ly

Written By Unknown on Friday, July 20, 2012 | 9:14 PM

Hmm mungkin inilah postingan sensasional pada bulan ini, Yaitu hacking earning Adf.ly . hehe gimana tridak bray, kali ini ComputerZone bakalan ngshare cara sensasional Haking earning dari beberapa vendor shorten-link Dan kali ini sasarannya adalah Adf.ly , bit.ly, t.co , goo.gl dan beberapa shorten link lainnya. Oke langsung aja bray, Inilah caranya :

1. Caranya anda daftar dulu di shorten-Link.y .Disini ComputerZone Menggunakan Adf.ly , Click Disini
2. Buka Mozilla Firefox atau Google Chrome!
3. Ok install Add-On Greasemonkey (untuk mozilla firefox) dan atau Tampermonkey (untuk Google Chrome)
4. Kalo sudah, klik link ini
5. Tinggal dites, coba aja buka link yang ada adf.ly/xxxx

Cara Access situs di Blokir Oleh Kantor atau Perusahaan

Written By Unknown on Monday, July 9, 2012 | 9:23 PM

Maleem, haha Udah hampir setahun lebih, account ini ndk aku buka gara2 sms code verifikasinya gak terkirim ke hp.Q. Untuk kali ini aku pengen ngeshare Cara Access situs yang diblokir Oleh sekolahan, kantor ataupun perusahaan tempat anda berada. Oke langsung saja.

Salfeld Child Control 2012 (Update 15 Juni 2012)

Written By Unknown on Saturday, June 16, 2012 | 11:54 PM

Salfeld Child Control 2012 merupakan software yang bisa kita gunakan untuk memantau, membatasi kegiatan anak-anak kita dalam bermain komputer. Anda dapat membatasi waktu pemakain (timer) komputer, blokir situs-situs yang menurut anda merugikan, mematikan koneksi
internet (timer), dan masih banyak lagi. Salfeld Child Control 2012 ini cocok banget digunakan untuk para orang tua yang ingin mengawasi anank-anaknya dalam bermain komputer.

Salfeld Child Control 2012

Salfeld Child Control 2012 Features:

  • Create accounts for each user
  • Limitation of time
  • Turn off the computer or internet connection timer
  • Determination of limit on the number of hours spent on the Internet
  • Filtering inappropriate content on the Internet
  • Set a time limit for each program separately
  • Blocking of the important functions of the system
  • Invisible mode of the program
  • Email account – notification of the computer
  • Accounting for holidays, which may increase a child hours of play on the computer
  • Support for domain and workgroup

Hack Your Facebook Account With Greasemonkey (Part 2)

Written By Unknown on Friday, June 15, 2012 | 11:46 PM

Facebook Greasemonkey Hacks

hack facebook account tips
Have you read the previous one? If you're not. Click here for intruction "How to hack your facebook account with greaseMonkey Part I" Greasemonkey is one of the best firefox add-ons in existence. By using ‘userscripts’, you can customize nearly every website. Read more about Greasemonkey in .
Today we won’t be focusing too hard on Greasemonkey itself, but on some of the great Facebook-specific userscripts.

Facebook Auto-login – One of the simplest, but perhaps also one of the most useful userscripts you’ll find. This one will automatically log into Facebook, as long as Firefox remembers your password, saving you a lot of hassle.
Auto-Colorizer for Facebook – This script will recolor your Facebook page by applying the color scheme of the most dominant picture currently showing on the page. As you can imagine, this can create some exciting, and also ambient effects.
FacebookDeletes – If you want to get rid of a lot of people at once, this is your man. This script can bulk delete friends, making the masacre all the easier.
Remove All Facebook Ads – Adblock still tends to miss a lot of Facebook ads. This script, frequently updated, will remove all thinkable Facebook ads, creating a completely click-safe Facebook environment.
External Apps Blocker – One of the most irritating things on Facebook are the abundance of quizzes, quote generators, and the like. Filtering all external app ‘stories’ from your homepage will be a lot easier if you use this script.

Want some more? Userscripts hosts 1112 Facebook related userscripts at the time of writing. Check it out and have a blast!
If you know any other cool Javascript tweaks, or Greasemonkey hacks, feel free to mention them in the comments section below!
 Source : http://x7computerzone.blogspot.com/2011/08/hack-your-facebook-account-with.html

Hack Your Facebook Account With GreaseMonkey Part I

Written By Unknown on Thursday, June 14, 2012 | 11:42 PM

hack facebook account tipsFacebook is pretty awesome, but it is far from perfect. More than once, I’ve heard complaints about some of Facebook’s technical aspects. Sadly, Facebook isn’t open-sourced, so users can’t change anything themselves – or can they?

By using simple pieces of Javascript code, or by applying Firefox Greasemonkey userscripts, users can change the appearance and workings of Facebook themselves.
Learn how to hack Facebook accounts for fun, or tweak something useful. Believe me, it really is all in your hands.

Facebook Account Javascript Hacks

In these following hacks we’ll be using basic Javascript to toy around with Facebook. Note that we’re not going to hack into Facebook accounts, or anything of the like. Most of these ‘hacks’ are temporary and will disappear once you refresh the page. They also won’t be visible to users on other computers. So why are we doing it? – Because it’s fun!

how to hack facebook accounts

These Javascript snippets, which we’ll supply below, simply need to be pasted into the address bar. Hit enter, et voila!

Changing Profile Colour

This will change the colour of your Facebook bar to a color of choice.
facebook greasemonkey scripts
Just paste the following code in your address bar and hit enter. You can replace ‘red’ with any color you want – black, white, green or even orrange. If you want to reverse the effect, press Ctrl+F5 for a hard reload of the page.

View Chat History with Offline Friends

Unfortunately, you can’t normally view the chat history of online friends. If you’re trying to remember something that was said, waiting for them to come back online is one hell of a bother. Instead, you can just use this – pretty useful – Javascript hack.

First of all, we need to get your friend’s Facebook ID. When you visit his page indirectly (through your friends list or by using the search engine), you’ll be able to see it as a number in the address bar.

how to hack facebook

Another way to retrieve someone’s ID is by going to the Friends widget on their page, and right-clicking See All. Then you’ll have to copy the link location and paste it in your address bar.
Once you’ve got someone’s ID, simply paste the following code in your address bar, replacing 1122334455 with the relevant number.


Other Javascript hacks

The preceding two hacks are without doubt the most impressive or useful ones. Below are some of the other tricks you can pull off by using Javascript. We’re not going to deep on this because they’re all things you can do manually as well.
Change chat status to invisible:
Change chat status to visible:
Close all chat windows with person 1122334455:
Open application tab:
Bring up notifications:
Bring up friends list:

Source : http://x7computerzone.blogspot.com/2011/08/hack-your-facebook-account-with.html

Domain Gratis com, net, biz, info, us, org

Written By Unknown on Saturday, June 9, 2012 | 10:35 PM

Seperti dengan judulnya diatas domain gratis Dot com, net, info, name Dan Top Level Domain yang lainnya.. Kok bisa?
Tdk percaya, langsung saja cekidot...
Google telah bermitra dengan Intuit,
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SCORE, dan Meetup. Mereka memberikan
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untuk membuka situs web mereka sendiri,
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ini yang akan Agan/aganwati dapatkan

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Cara nya gimana?
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kiri bawah warna merah)

3. Pada berikutnya yang perlu Anda Sign up
4. Isi rincian Agan/aganwati dan klik Next.
5. Ini akan mengarahkan Agan/aganwati ke
situs Intuit untuk mendaftarkan domain
gratis. Klik Next.

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Sekian saja semoga bermanfaat</quote>

Bila Ingin Setting Domainya ke Blogger Di Sini!!!

Hack Your Facebook Account With Greasemonkey

Written By Unknown on Thursday, August 25, 2011 | 7:24 PM

Facebook is pretty awesome, but it is far from perfect. More than once, I’ve heard complaints about some of Facebook’s technical aspects. Sadly, Facebook isn’t open-sourced, so users can’t change anything themselves – or can they?

Cara Mengubah Nama Processor

Written By Unknown on Saturday, June 25, 2011 | 5:49 AM

Pada saat kita melakukan klik kanan dan properties pada My Computer, maka kita dapat mengetahui informasi mengenai komputer kita terlebih lagi merek dari processor kita. baiklah saya akan melakukan klik kanan dan properties pada My Computer di kompi saya, dan apa yang terjadi

100 Daftar Malware Paling Berpengaruh Di Indonesia

Written By Unknown on Thursday, June 23, 2011 | 8:15 PM

Malware atau malicious software atau software/perangkat lunak yang diciptakan untuk menyusup dan merusak sistem/jaringan komputer semakin hari semakin banyak saja. Bentuk malware pun semakin beragam, ada virus, botnet, adware, trojan, phising dan worm, termasuk juga hacker tools.

Membobol IDM tanpa Lisensi Code

Membobol Internet Download Manager IDM tanpa Kode Lisensi, Download jadi lancar

IDM alias Internet Download Manager adalah

HATI-HATI Login Sembarangan !!!

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 | 7:30 AM

Jadi gini Berdasarkan pengalaman dari temen yang ngeluh kalo ID Gamenya lah , ID FB nya lah, ID Twet nya lah Tau tau gak bisa login karena ada kesalahan (yang kemungkinan telah dicuri orang ,kasarnya ),nah dibelakang semua itu pasti ada dalanganya , gimana kalo

Trik Mencuri Data Dari Flashdisk

Thumbsuck.exe adalah semacam malware yang dirancang untuk mencuri data dari removable media. misalnya agan masukin flashdisk ke komputer warnet, dan kebetulan komputer itu

Jahil dengan Scipt Notepad

Trik ini bisa kita pakai, untuk menjahili computer seseorang gan. Yang harus agan siapin adalah Program Notepad. Dan copy script di bawah ke dalam notepad.

Be a hacker don't kracker (buat remaja yg masi labil) :D

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 | 10:28 PM

Waktu cewek gue ngadu kalau FB nya di hacked orang, yang gue lakuin bukan lantas ngehack balik tuh orang melainkan masang sistem keamanan ganda dilaptop cewek gue dan modifikasi sistem security FB nya. Ngebales serangan tsb dengan cara yg sama cuma wasting-time, bakal nunjukin kalau gue gk beda jauh sama tuh orang, punya kemampuan dibawah standar trus ngisengin orang. (Kalau gue yg jadi ceweknya, gue bakal nyalihin cowok gue yang gagal memproteksi account FB gue!!!).

Aktivkan Windows 7 tanpa Activasi Code

Sebelumnya ... ini adalah postingan ke 100 saya. disini saya akan membahas tentang "Bagaimana caranya kita menggunakan Windows 7 ( Windows Seven) tanpa menggunakan Activation Code?" kita cukup memperpanjang masa gratisan yang sudah

Lindungi File Penting Anda Dengan FileSecrets

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 | 7:21 AM

FileSecrets adalah perangkat lunak yang sederhana, tapi efektif untuk melindungi file-file anda dari akses-akses tanpa ijin. Windows mungkin dapat menyediakan perlindungan terhadap file-file, akan tetapi perlindungan Windows dapat dengan mudah
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